14 AUGUST 2017   Edition One

In this edition:  Local Government Elections September 9.
Picnic for Trees, Sundial for Beecroft Village, Green Ray Park Heritage Festival and The Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Spring Walk.
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President’s comment.
I’m discovering these eNews have the potential to generate their own news.  For those who read our last eNews you would have noticed my reference to Cumberland Council elections. Yes, I slipped up. In this eNews I have made amends and have included Parramatta Council.   The 79-87 Malton Rd prosecution is still proceeding but has been delayed for confidential legal reasons. 
The Trust has lodged a fresh objection to the amended plans for a seniors development at 6-8 Malton Rd.  The Trust and community had a win in having the two existing houses retained in the amended design however, while we have no objection to seniors housing, we consider the proposed rear building complex is too large in terms of height, bulk and scale for our heritage suburb.   
The plastic bag campaign has generated its own momentum.  Hornsby Council hosted a workshop on waste at Hornsby Library last Friday morning 11 August. Click here for details.  

Council Elections in both Parramatta and Hornsby Councils.
 Parramatta City Council  - Epping Ward
For those residents south of the M2 who are eligible to vote click here to access Parramatta City Council’s website.

Hornsby Shire Council C Ward.
For those residents north of the M2 who are eligible to vote click here to access Hornsby Council’s website.  Beecroft and Cheltenham are in C Ward, as well as parts of  Cherrybrook and Pennant Hills. Click here for details.

The Trust will be holding a Meet the Candidates evening for C Ward and mayoral candidates in Hornsby Council only.  The Beecroft Bowling Club in Copeland Rd has been booked for Tuesday 29 August from 7.30pm.  Come along and find out who has nominated and hear how they propose to serve our community.  If our current councillors decide to re stand residents can ask them about their past performance on council.  
Note that Hornsby Council residents must vote for a mayor while Parramatta Council residents do not have to because the elected councillors will elect their own mayor.

The "Borrow and Bring Back Bags" have been very popular with the community. It is great to see so many people sharing these bags by borrowing them when they are out shopping after forgetting their bags but then kindly returning them on their next visit. The donated fabrics have been gratefully received and make each hand made bag unique.  Because so many people have asked if they could buy a bag, the ladies have had a few calico bags printed with the logo (without the "borrow and bring back"). This means you can now get your very own Beecroft bag to keep.
The calico bags are presently available for purchase at:
Sparks Shoes
Denny Pharmacy
Con's Deli
Beecroft Selective Meats
Beecroft Village Cobbler
Thank you to these shops for selling these bags for us.
Because the home made bag pockets are expensive to print, each calico bag purchased pays for a lovely bag to be created by the ladies for the shoppers to "Borrow and Bring Back". If you want to get involved in the campaign and sew bags or just help in some way then contact Emma by email at bagfreebeecroft@gmail.com
Picnic for Trees on National Tree Day.

Last Sunday on 30 July, we held our annual Picnic for Trees at the Beecroft Village Green.  It was the third year the Picnic has been held and last Sunday we had well over 100 attendees. The Trust was ably supported by the Byles Creek Valley Union,  the Beecroft Cheltenham Alliance and Beardson. It was great to see so many community groups come along to support our residents and to see such a wide range of age groups all joining in the fun. Make sure you check out the first section of a lovely Lilly Pilly hedge donated by Council and planted with great care by our community. The BBQ was popular and the Trust netted about $200. Thank you to all who came along to make it such a wonderful picnic.
New sundial in the Beecroft Village Green.
The Rotary Club of Beecroft has been working with Hornsby Council to repair the damaged sundial in the Village Green.  The opening will be on Saturday 26 August at noon with the Mayor doing the honours. All welcome . Please note the corrected date from the last eNews.
Ray Park Heritage Festival  - Remember the Way we Were.
 The Ray Park Heritage Group, with support from Parramatta City Council, the Garden Clinic, Engalls Dural Nursery and McGrath Real Estate will be opening the Hazelwood Rose Park over the weekend of 8 – 10 September 2017 at the corner of Plympton Rd and Avondale Drive Carlingford. The Ray Park Heritage Group lead by the legendary Dorothy Doolan has transformed the open space area along Plympton Road. More details will be provided in later eNews.
Trust Spring Walk.
We always strive to make the walks interesting so this Spring Walk will be slightly different.  We are going further afield into the wilds of Cherrybrook.
The location will be Trevors Lane off Purchase Rd.  The date is Sunday 29 October  from 2 – 4 pm. It’s an easy 90 minute walk with some interesting rock formations.   
STEP Walks and Talks in August & September.
The South Turramurra Environmental Protection Society (STEP) has kindly provided the Trust with a link to their latest publication.  Those residents interested please click here
Beware of mail theft.
It’s happening again!  Many residents have recently reported that their mail has been stolen or compromised. Some letterboxes with locks have been picked and left open so the perpetrators are seriously determined. Please empty letterboxes as soon as is practical and be on the alert for scammers ringing after the theft claiming to be from your financial institutions etc and asking for your personal details. The scammers have even left cards requesting you contact them to verify such private information. If in doubt, always phone your bank or financial institution directly to make your own enquiries.
Trust Membership Subscriptions and eNews...
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member in 2017!

To renew your membership for 2017, please send a cheque with your phone and email details to PO Box 31, Beecroft 2119, OR credit our bank account directly:
BSB 062-113 10068238, using your name as a reference.  Please also send an email to treasurer@bcct2119.com.au advising that you have updated your membership for 2017.   Donations are also gratefully accepted.

Just a reminder that membership is due in April each year. For those who have already paid, many thanks. Household Membership: only $20 per year; Pensioner/Single Resident: $10 per year.

The eNews is becoming our main method for disseminating information to the community. Currently we have over 1020 email addresses, up from 900 two months ago.  We encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and friends. The eNews letter is available to all who subscribe.  Trust Membership is not a requirement.
At this stage, the Trust will continue to distribute the printed bulletin as not everyone uses the internet.  
The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.
Kind regards,
Ross Walker

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